Discover the 6,000 year old secret to finally getting well, losing weight and feeling alive again! Every year we spend more and more on healthcare, research and pharmaceuticals, yet every year the rate of auto-immune, Alzheimer’s, digestive disorders, diabetes and diseases of all types continue to rise. Soon 1 out of 2 people will get cancer in their life time and 2 out 3 people will be overweight. It turns out the answer is simpler than we think and it lies in the oldest form of medicine in the world. The Rain Barrel Effect explains exactly how we get sick, put on weight, and begin to breakdown over time, as well as how to reverse that process and take back control of your life!

If you want to get well, lose weight, and live longer, the formula has already been proven over the past 6,000 years:
Remove Your Toxicities
Replace Your Deficiencies
Dr. Cabral Reveals The Rain Barrel Effect
Dr. Cabral has found his answers and can honestly say that over 20 years later, he feels better now than he did as a teenager. He has more energy, mental clarity, stamina, strength, positivity, and vitality than ever before. Each year seems to surpass the last, yet conventional medicine suggests that this shouldn’t be possible.
So, how is this achievable? The answer lies in "Emptying Your Rain Barrel," which combines the best of cutting-edge Functional Medicine with the healing secrets of ancient Ayurvedic Medicine. In his book, The Rain Barrel Effect (RBE), Dr. Cabral reveals how this approach works.​
​These insights are not meant to be kept a secret. Dr. Cabral is deeply grateful for discovering them and feels a strong sense of purpose to share this knowledge with others. That’s why he wrote this book and would love for you to read it.
The truths in this book were shared with him, and he successfully brought them back to the U.S., integrating them with advanced Functional Medicine to help others rebalance their bodies. Over the past decade, he has proven this approach works, and now he wants you to experience the same health and vitality!